Thursday, December 5, 2013

Reflective Post

Photo Credit to Shanna Moss (Me) on Wordle

In the beginning of this class I truly had no idea what to expect. I anticipated the best, but feared the worst... failure. I've always had a love hate relationship with technology, but at the closing of this semester I've realized that this tumultuous relationship has vastly improved. While the book provided useful information and was instrumental in fueling the subject matter for my blog, I did not find it as educational as the hands-on experience of the classroom and assignments given.The teacher webpage and web quest were my two favorite assignments. By successfully maneuvering through those I was able to fully grasp the importance of relevance of using both, especially as a future educator. As far as the learning outcomes, those two exercises certainly made me more proficient in using the internet as a medium and goal of K-12 instruction. The website review and collaborative lesson plan provided me with the experience to evaluate and critique the usefulness and appropriateness of various educational software, hardware and online resources. Also, learning how to create a rubric was an essential task I most definitely will require in the future. To me the most beneficial objective that I learned this semester was learning how to create online portfolios that promote classroom management, administration and teaching all through technology. The teacher web page, web quest, and Wiki were three essential assignments in helping me acquire this skill. I will admit, the collaborative Wiki and lesson plan assignments drove me a little nuts, I anticipated that some team members would slack a bit, but not to the extent as they did on the Wiki project. With that said, I still learned a lot from the collaborative Wiki page and plan to use it in the future, especially with lesson planning and activity searching for my future classroom. The discussion posts and blog entries were very helpful in understanding terminology and various subject matter that pertains to technology. I especially found the assistive technology discussion post to be extremely informative, I had no idea there was such an array of tools available for individuals with disabilities. The activities and resources we explored in the classroom were great, I plan to use my Symbaloo and Delicious account to continue to save valuable internet resources. This class truly helped expand my technological horizons. While before I was content on using the same technology that I felt familiar and safe with, I am now up for new challenges of exploring and conquering the myriad of software and programs that exist. I am thankful for this newly found technological confidence and I am sure my future students will be as well!  

With that said, I bid this class and semester adieu and wish us all the best of luck with our future endeavors! 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Chapter 11- Engaging Teacher and Students in Learning and Self-Reflection

Photo Credit to Swaminathan on Flickr

Focus Question: How can teachers and students use digital portfolios as tools for learning?

Digital portfolios as defined by the text are:
"a collection of educational materials stored in an electronic format such as CD-ROM, website or computer file (p. 309)."
 Since these portfolios are interactive and much more accessible than paper portfolios, they provide a greater opportunity for teacher and students to expand on the classroom material in a much more thorough and deeper understanding. Digital portfolios allow teachers to share more about themselves and their lessons in a way that administrators, fellow teachers, parents and students can attain. By incorporating digital portfolios into the classroom, the teacher allows the students to explore their creativity and technological genius to reflect the lessons learned. While there are disadvantages that relate to the technological knowledge and accessibility of the user, I believe the advantages outweigh these possible deterrents.

The following video below is an example of a digital portfolio and how it can be used as one's self-reflection. The creator of the video was able to incorporate the classroom and activities done throughout the year while also expressing their creativity.

Tech Tool Link: Online Survey Building Resources: Poll Builder

Poll Builder is a really neat website where you can create a free and simple poll. As a teacher I could use this on my classroom page to incorporate technology and the subject matter. In order to build the poll you just have to set up a username and password, and the rest is so simple. Using this tool, a teacher can create an anonymous questionnaire or survey to gather data on their students and their progress. I created the poll below as an example of how a teacher can incorporate this technology into their classroom.

Summary & Connection:

There are certainly many ways in which technology can be used to engage teachers and students in learning and self-reflection. Teachers can assess not only student performance but their performance as well. Technology can help teachers and administrators organize and track the progress of students in a more organized and precise fashion. Digital portfolios are a way for teachers and students to promote the progress they've made throughout the year as well as reflect on the experience and lessons they've learned. Digital portfolios are a successful way to encourage students to explore their creativity while gaining more experience with technology. Participation systems are another great use of technology to engage and encourage students in the classroom. By incorporating polls and surveys, teachers can better assess how their students are doing and absorbing the knowledge being presented to them. For me, what is important to remember is that today's technology offers many ways for teachers and students to improve their experience in the classroom. Although I can become a bit intimidated by new technologies, this text and class has made me realize that they can be extremely beneficial. I guess when faced with a seemingly daunting technological task I can always remember what President Theodore Roosevelt said, "it is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed."
It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2011). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN:10 0-13-159611-X, ISBN:13 978-0-13-159611-5

Photo Credit to Adam Melancon on Flickr

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Chapter 10- Promoting Success for All Students through Technology

Photo Credit to Massachusetts Education Secretary Matt Malone on Flickr

Focus Question: How does assistive technology support efforts by teachers to reach all learners?

Assistive technology as defined in the book: "modifies the interface between students and material so that the material becomes more accessible" (p. 284). The addition of assistive technology has made education a much more tangible pursuit for students with disabilities such as hearing, sight, mobile and cognitive impairments. While assistive technology has bridged a path for such students, it is also a successful means to reach all students. The electronic speller and dictionary is an example of an assistive technology that is beneficial for all students. This device allows the student to read, listen and practice vocabulary words and definitions. With text on the screen as well as an option to listen to the words via headphones, the device is accessible to nearly all children, no matter the impairment. Calculators, speech recognition software, text reading softwares and interactive storybooks are more examples of assistive technologies that can support a teacher's effort to reach all students. Although there is controversy regarding how much technology is appropriate in the classroom and lives of children; I don't think anyone can disagree on how beneficial assistive technology can be for the educational experience when used appropriately.

The assistive technology in this video is a great example of how it can be beneficial for all students. While the technology program is marketed for children with learning disabilities or ESL students, the creative and writing process can be difficult to master for anyone. I will add, I was surprised to learn just how expensive the software program is!

Tech Tool Link: Extra-large and Online Calculators

Extra-large calculators can be very beneficial because they are light weight, yet easier to read due to their bigger size. According to the text:
"Students are more interested in this product than a smaller one because of its different size and style (p. 286)."
This can also lead to a classroom discussion on the ever shrinking screen that comes along with technology. Students could brainstorm on the positive and negative consequences of being exposed daily to smaller print. By introducing the technology, discussing it and investigating it the students will be more inclined to try it out for themselves. Online calculators are another beneficial tool for not only students, but all individuals. Jim Martindale's Calculators On-Line Center allows for students to try out many online simulations and modules. This is a great tool for practice outside of the classroom. Personally, I have used an online calculator and math program, and it helped me so much. I was able to step-by-step review the material while inputting the data all on the same screen, I had fewer distractions and a better comprehension.

Summary & Connection:

I believe the main purpose and goal of teaching is to give your students the tools and guidance necessary to succeed. Technology has become a major assistant in this process, and while it is not entirely the forefront of educational experience; it's collaboration with differentiated instruction and UDL help promote and effective learning environment for all students. Assistive technologies are extremely beneficial for students with disabilities, and they are also highly important for students without. All students can gain support and knowledge with the support of the teacher and assistive technologies. Teachers are not at disposal of technology, they have the opportunity and option to create their classroom using technology. Low tech, middle tech, and high tech options provide the teacher with various choices when incorporating technological changes into their room. It is no longer a question of why one should incorporate technology into the learning environment, it is not a how question and that question is being met with endless opportunities.

And remember...
Photo credit to Scott McLeod on Flickr


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2011). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN:10 0-13-159611-X, ISBN:13 978-0-13-159611-5

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Chapter 9- Creating and Sharing Information with Multimedia Technologies

Photo Credit to krissen on Flickr


Focus Question: How can teachers integrate podcasts and vodcasts into their teaching? 

Prior to reading this chapter I did not realize their was such thing as a vodcast; I assumed that a podcast included both audio and video. According to the text a vodcast is comprised of both audio and visual, and just like podcasts is available for access online from a computer or portable media player. There are an abundance of educationally appropriate podcasts and vodcasts available for teachers to present to their students. iTunes and Podcast Alley are just a few of the sources that enable a teacher to search for specific educational topics presented via podcast. Podcasts and vodcasts can certainly be used to improve and enhance the educational experience of the student. If the teacher has a class blog, he/she can post a self made podcast of the lessons or material for students to further review outside the classroom setting. There are endless possibilities when incorporating technologies such as podcasts and vodcasts into the classroom. From presenting outside material to further the subject matter of a lesson, to incorporating a personal podcasts reiterating and reflecting classroom material, this integration of technology can be beneficial and a successful alternative to traditional lectures and reviews.

The following video is a perfect example to show how a teacher may include a vodcast into the learning experience of the student. This could be posted to a class blog where the student can access and reflect from home or any other location outside of the classroom. By providing a vodcast to their students, the teacher enables the opportunity for the students to expand on the material.

Tech Tool Link: Digital Storytelling

This makes me so excited, like five year old Shanna excited! The Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling website is run by the University of Houston and provides a plethora of resources, videos and directions on how to creating a digital storybook. Digital storytelling allows one to create an interactive story using digital media. The stories can range from personal, historical, narrative, and more; the possibilities are endless. In the classroom, having a student create a digital story not only allows them to train their technological muscles, but it also provides an opportunity to incorporate the lesson materials in a fun and different manner. With such a range of different technology based tools, there leaves little excuse for students to be inundated with the mundane archaic approach to instruction of non-interactive lectures.

Summary & Connection:

Multimedia technologies allow teachers to create a learning experience for their students that expands from the traditional two-dimensional text. With technology, information and instruction can be presented via video, text, picture and audio in the interactive realm. Power points, pod and vodcasts, digital images and movies are just a few of the wonderful ways a teacher can incorporate multimedia technology to enhance the learning environment for their students. By using multimedia technologies, students have a more hands on approach to learning and are more engaged into the material. Multimedia technology also gives the teacher an opportunity to provide further reflection outside of the classroom via blogs or classroom websites, allowing for an ever accessible classroom no longer inhibited by four walls and time frames.

Photo Credit to jsgeometry on Flickr


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2011). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN:10 0-13-159611-X, ISBN:13 978-0-13-159611-5

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Chapter 8- Communicating and Networking with Websites, Blogs, Wikis, and More

Photo Credit to mnotta on Flickr

Focus Question: How can teachers use email or instant messaging to foster information exchanges with or among students?

In today's technology driven world, communication is no longer inhibited by time zones, oceans or even continents. Technology has created a mode of communication between students and teachers that is multidimensional, email and instant messaging are two prime examples of this innovative exchange. Statistically in the United States, more than one in four people use instant messaging as a form of communication; according to the text, four in every five adolescents use the internet (p. 215). As a teacher by using these forms of communication with students, that are familiar and comfortable with them, you can incorporate lessons as well as extend classroom time with online office hours. Not only does using email and instant messaging enhance the correspondence between the teacher and student, it can also be used to enhance the curriculum. While most students are "Lol'ing" and "OMG'ing" in their exchanges, teachers can utilize the ever popular instant messaging and email vernacular to teach lessons in spelling and grammar. Allowing the students to email libraries, museums, elected officials, etc. will not only help them develop their professional letter writing ability, but also allow them to obtain more information and develop internet literacy. While I admit I am not a big fan of the word abbreviations that are credited to the abundant use of email and instant messaging, I will say that from a teaching standpoint its usage proves to be very successful in collaborating communication and knowledge.

Photo Credit to The Shifted Librarian on Flickr

Tech Tool Link: Posting and Publishing with Digital Image Scanners

Digital image scanners are a really great tool for any classroom, especially a classroom that has a blog incorporated with it. With a digital image scanner any tangible work that has been created on a piece of paper can be transferred to a digital image on the computer. As a middle school science teacher, I can upload the DNA worksheets I had my students color and fill out onto my classroom blog by using the digital scanner to convert the pictures. Digital image scanners also allow individuals to scan various published works to a digital image to use as a handout or learning tool. I think of all of the tech tools I have discovered in this book so far, digital image scanners are the most exciting. The possibilities are endless with what a teacher can do with their students work. They can have an online gallery for students and parents to have access to 24/7. Very cool!

Summary & Connection:

Communication and networking is an essential key in the classroom, and technology has made this even easier. Teachers can incorporate both synchronous and asynchronous online communication with students by the use of email, instant messaging, blogs, wiki and web pages. No longer is the educational experience limited to the four walls of a classroom in a 50 minute time period, students now have the ability to access their classroom and teacher in an online setting. There are so many different types of blogs, websites social media outlets and wikis available for a teacher to construct that will be appropriate and enhance the experience of the student. I personally can see myself having a classroom blog, what a great idea. I especially like incorporating the student's personal work with tools such as the digital image scanner. While the teacher must ensure that the students are safe and protected while accessing these networking outlets, I truly think the possibilities are endless when it comes to the myriad of forms of communication and collaboration available.

This video shows that there is no age too young to start incorporating digital aspects and social media into the classroom. Our students are already inundated in their everyday lives with this technology, why not incorporate it into their educational experience.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2011). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN:10 0-13-159611-X, ISBN:13 978-0-13-159611-5

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Chapter 7- Problem Solving and Inquiry Learning with Software and Web Tools

Photo Credit to Tomasz Stasiuk on Flickr

Focus Question: How can teachers use computer games and simulations as learning resources?

While there is much debate regarding the influence computer games have over children, both positive and negative, it would be naive to neglect the idea that they may be beneficial to the learning experience of a student. Skills-learning games are used to engage the student in the academic material while providing the element of game play (p. 189). There are games available for nearly every subject; the games not only allow the student to practice the skill at hand, but they can also introduce new skill sets in an environment that appears less threatening. This does not mean a teacher will provide Grand Theft Auto to a student as a lesson in social studies, there are digital games for learning that are developed around education rather than entertainment. According to the text there are strategies available for teachers to effectively involve computer game use in the classroom:
"Minimize the use of games that teach isolated skills; scrutinize games that function solely on points won or lost; discuss games and their content; play games together" (p. 196).
 The following video is an example how computer game usage can be effective to the educational experience of a student. As teachers we cannot forget that there are many different types of learners in our classroom. I believe that incorporating educational computer games helps bridge the gaps between the various learning styles.

 Tech Tool Link: Discovery learning using Squeak and Scratch: Scratch

Scratch is a website that allows students to create their own online games, interactive stories and animations. Scratch gives students the opportunity to explore their creative mind, with the help of technology no idea seems too far-fetched. According to the website, Scratch is really designed for students aged 8-16 so for early elementary age students it may be a little too advanced. Although, teachers in any grade level may find Scratch a useful resource to create stories or games of their own to incorporate into their lesson plan. The activities on Scratch promote critical thinking skills and allow students to advance their knowledge and ability in technology. I think this website is extremely useful, there is even a Scratch online community for educators to exchange ideas, resources, etc. to enhance their curriculum. I would certainly include Scratch in my classroom, consider it added to my Symbaloo and Delicious accounts for future reference!

Summary & Connection:

It is really amazing how much software is available that will enhance the educational experience of students. While I feel there are aspects of direct instruction that can be useful, incorporating the many facets of educational software really ties learning directives together. Educational computer software programs are more than just an activity to occupy time in a classroom; many require higher order critical thinking and analysis, active research, and facilitate the student's ability to learn and retain the information of a given subject. Like in many instances with technology and internet usage in the classroom, the teacher must be proactive in ensuring the material is appropriate for the child and for the curriculum. Teachers must evaluate educational software to be certain it is encouraging a higher level of thinking for the students. I think if the software is appropriate, and it not only meets but exceeds the standards listed in the curriculum then it will be a great addition to the classroom. It an be guaranteed that in one classroom exists a diverse group of learning styles, why not appeal to masses? 

Photo Credit to cproppe on Flickr


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2011). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN:10 0-13-159611-X, ISBN:13 978-0-13-159611-5

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Chapter 6- Teaching with Educational Websites and Other Online Resources

Focus Question: What is information management and digital content?

In a broad sense, information management is the collection and organization of data. For businesses information management plays an important role in decision making and policies. According to the text for educators
"...information management means organizing and utilizing all the different kinds of electronic information one must handle professionally and academically" (p. 144).
Digital content is the information that is acquired online. Digital content for a teacher can provide information, resources and tools that will enhance the teacher's classroom curriculum and academic material.

Photo Credit to Choconancy1 on flickr

Tech Tool Link: An interactive online field trip: The Cave of Chauvet-Pont-D'Arc

Let's be honest, the majority of students in the United States are not going to have the resources to expand their horizons and travel throughout the world to conquer great discoveries. The Cave of Chauvet-Pont-D'Arc contains hundreds of paintings that date back 31,000 years. Without the advancements of technology, students would only be able to experience the awe through a two-dimensional picture in the pages of a textbook. Thanks to the website there are no barriers that would inhibit a student from being able to explore this amazing discovery. These are the technological innovations that really help make the world more accessible to any person, no matter where they're from or what their socioeconomic status may be; no longer are we held back as teachers or students from exploring unknown frontiers. It's truly amazing.

 The video below shows the Paleolithic paintings that were discovered in the Cave of Chauvet-Pont-D'Arc. The video itself is a bit lengthy, but it would (or something similar) would be an interesting way to lead into a classroom discussion, then the virtual tour through the cave.

Summary & Connection:

This chapter really makes me grateful to be becoming a teacher in such a technology centered era. Technology is certainly friend not foe in the classroom. There are so many innovations, websites, programs and resources that help teachers makes the best of their curriculum. Technology also allows teachers to better organize themselves, and make certain that their lesson plans are meeting state and federal mandated criteria. Educational websites are a way for teachers and students to be engaged  by the knowledge the internet has to offer. Interactive activities that not only enthrall the student, but also present them with creative information that they will retain is such a plus in the educational world. I look forward not only to what I can discover and use in my classroom, but also for what the future has to offer in regards to technology. To infinity and beyond!

Photo Credit to flickingerbrad on flickr


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2011). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN:10 0-13-159611-X, ISBN:13 978-0-13-159611-5

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Chapter 5- Researching and Evaluating Internet Infomation

Photo Credit to celt.keene on Flickr

Focus Question: What are search engines and how do they work?

Search engines have been my saving grace since high school. The use of search engines helped fuel my research papers with facts, find study material for exams and really facilitated the acquisition of the bulk of information I obtained through the years. The definition in the book is clear, concise and as simple and accurate as can be regarding search engines: "Search engines retrieve information from the Internet". Any person can access vast amounts of information regarding any topic by using key words in a search engine. For example, if I were interested in learning more about President Nixon I search the keywords "President Nixon" in a search engine and thousands of results containing websites, articles, images and video would appear. Among the more popular search engines are,, and; although, there are specialized search engines available depending on the subject matter of the keywords. Webopedia is a search engine exclusively for researching computer and internet related information and terminology. To the novice search engine user the task of finding results may seem daunting at first, but by using specific key words the process is much simpler. The information that is out there waiting to be discovered is truly infinite.

The video below demonstrates how the powerhouse internet search engine Google works in regards to retrieving information to their database. I find it so interesting how the management of search results came about from mathematical calculations and formulas. 

Tech Tool Link: LibriVox

LibriVox is an awesome website where the user can go on and listen to recordings of published books for free. Volunteers read the books and the audio recordings are made accessible to the public. This is such a wonderful idea, especially for young children or those who have a visual impairment. This website allows for all individuals to experience the joy of books, poetry and many more literary gifts. I think as a teacher this is a great way to incorporate technology and literature into a lesson plan, which I don't believe is as easy to integrate as would a math or science subject be. LibriVox also enables the student to broaden their literary horizon. Reading certain books may present an intimidating situation for slower readers, but if they are able to listen to the material while they read the quest to successfully reading the material appears less treacherous. I'm so glad to see that there websites likes this available to the public, when given the appropriate tools and opportunities we all can flourish way beyond our expectations.

Photo Credit to kayray on Flickr

Summary & Connection:

Although sometimes daunting or difficult to maneuver, the internet really does allow for greater accessibility to information and knowledge. It is important for the teacher to guide the students into proper and efficient internet research (such as using search engines) as well as how to process the discovered information. There are several ways to search information with keywords using a search engine: free-text, keyword/exact match and Boolean. The better the user becomes at recognizing useful ways to search for information the easier it will be. With the myriad of useful information available there is also just as much incorrect and harmful information to be unearthed. In order to differentiate between the various types that are present the user must be proactive in critical reading, reading labels, distinguishing between URLs and developing criteria for evaluating the website or resource. The internet also presents the opportunity for plagiarism, whether intentional or not, to be easily done. The teacher must be sure to discuss the issue of plagiarism, how it can happen, and the ramifications that will occur as a result. Personally, I cannot fathom life without the internet, using it has become second nature. Every day there is a new component, website or resource that I find; and although I have run into some fallacies, the good outweighs the bad when researching information.


 Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2011). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN:10 0-13-159611-X, ISBN:13 978-0-13-159611-5

I find this commercial to be a hilarious and accurate portrayal of how most individuals view information they receive from the internet. Beware: not all information from the internet is true!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Chapter 4- Integrating Technology and Creating Change

Photo Credit to Denise Krebs on Flickr

Focus Question:  What are “digital inequality” and the “participation gap”?

The terms “digital inequality” and “participation gap” refer to the discrepancies between children of high-income homes and children of low-income homes regarding access to technology. “Digital inequality” focuses on the lack of monetary resources families from low socioeconomic backgrounds have to buy the most advanced, up-to-date computer technology and software. The “participation gap” falls under the same perceived issue of technology access between various income levels. Children that fall within the participation gap do not engage in the same technological activities that their peers do, such as online activity. According to the textbook:

"If low-income and minority students are unable to use all of today's technologies as other students do, then access alone will not reduce an inequality of educational outcomes".(p.95)
I think it is imperative that as a country we work to ensure all students are given the same educational opportunities. As our world, society and education system begin to gravitate around technology. it becomes our responsibility to provide equal opportunities for technological access to all students.

The video below is very informative on ramifications that can and will occur as a result of the digital divide. Lack of technological resources as well as familiarity with these resources affects not only our children, but our country as a whole. 

Tech Tool Link: Online Technology Integration Resources: Edutopia

Prior to reading the text I had a chance to navigate through the website Edutopia. The website offers a plethora of free resources and information regarding technology integration in the classroom. I think websites such as Edutopia are such a gift to teachers, especially today's teachers who are constantly inundated with new and exciting technology that can enhance the learning experience. It's comforting to know that while some of the content may be a bit overwhelming, the teacher is certainly not alone in their quest for appropriate, stimulating activity that will help teach and familiarize their students.

Summary & Connection: 

I really found this chapter quite interesting. Just seeing how far technology has come from when I was in elementary school is tremendous. Not only does the use of various technological programs increase the effectiveness of a student's learning experience, but it also helps the teacher in organization, planning, grading and presenting material. It is so important that we find a way to bridge the gap between the socioeconomic classes and technology access. Although there are activities and ways to integrate technology despite the disparity, students still suffer when they do not possess equal access to educational technological tools at home. The text made a very important distinction between change being "hard-wired" into computers and the reality that technology's impact in the classroom is navigated through the teachers, school officials and parents.

 Photo Credit to Massachusetts Education Secretary Matt Malone on Flickr 


 Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2011). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN:10 0-13-159611-X, ISBN:13 978-0-13-159611-5

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Chapter 3- Developing Lessons with Technology

Photo Credit to Doug Jennings on Flickr

Focus Question: How can teachers use technology to make decisions about meeting educational standards in their lesson plans?

According to the text:
Virtually every academic discipline taught in elementary and secondary schools has national, state, and local standards for teaching teachers to follow in planning their curriculum. 
Although these standards provide the basis from which teachers begin their lesson plans, they do not dictate the manner in which the teacher presents the information to their students. The content as well as method of teaching is determined by the teacher, but it is imperative that the teacher make sure he/she is meeting the standards given. Teachers can use technology by utilizing various programs, resources and websites that will help them create lessons, activities and assignments to educate their students while meeting the required curriculum. For example, while preparing students for the FCAT test, a teacher may turn to the internet to find fun, interactive and informative activities that will engage their students and prepare them for the state mandated test.

 The video below is an example of how a teacher may utilize technology to meet educational standards. By providing the videos such as this for their students, the teacher can reinforce the lesson (whether it be about shapes or patterns) as well as incorporate testing strategies that will help the students during mandatory testing.

Tech Tool Link: Online Resources for Lesson Planning: Gliffy

Gliffy is a website that allows you to create floor plans, seating charts, flowcharts, Venn diagrams and other types of visual aids. I'm interested in teaching either middle or high school students, and for me this website will be so helpful in organizing my classroom. Especially when the dreaded "testing season" comes around, by utilizing the seating chart arrangement it will take the stress of the teacher and student to try and decipher the classroom seating flow the day of the test. Not only is this program great for classroom feng shui, but the readily available charts that can be used to teach give the teacher more time on the lesson by alleviating the amount of time in constructing the diagram or chart.

Photo Credit to Gliffy

Summary & Connection:

I must admit that this chapter made me a little apprehensive about being a teacher. There is so much that goes into the job; it is not enough that the teacher must engage every student in their classroom, but the teacher must also be aware that their students are meeting local, state and federal standards. In my opinion, technology most definitely eases the the process of lesson planning, with the abundance of online resources teachers have more opportunities to incorporate fun and informative lessons into their teaching. It is important for the teacher to provide assessments to make sure their students are understanding the information being taught. There are numerous types of tests that can be administered to students to ensure this. While it is important for standards to be implemented to ensure that no student is being denied the education they deserve, I don't think standardized tests grasp the entire spectrum of students out there. No two individuals are alike, just as no two learners are alike. After reading this chapter I am now aware that as a teacher it is vital to the success of my students that I present lessons that will help them in reaching these objectives as well as gain and retain the knowledge.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2011). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN:10 0-13-159611-X, ISBN:13 978-0-13-159611-5

Chapter 2- Transforming Learning with Unique, Powerful Technology

Photo Credit to pollyalida on Flickr
Focus Question: How do students use technology to access and assess information?

The opportunities are becoming nearly infinite for students looking to access and assess information through technology today. Students are able to access information through software programs, internet search engines, DVDs, podcasts, Power Point presentations, websites and online journals and articles. Technology has provided a multidimensional realm of possibilities in acquiring information.While accessing knowledge has benefited greatly by technology, students must be information and internet literate in order to properly assess the information. A student seeking information on an internet search engine must be able to differentiate between useful and factual information and that pertaining merely for entertainment purposes. It is the teacher's responsibility to teach the students how to think critically and check for accuracy of internet information. It is also imperative that the teacher guide students through various types of information technology so that the students have experience and are comfortable when utilizing it. 

 This video below is a wonderful example of how the use of technology benefits students in any type of classroom setting. By using the Wii device, the students are able to access information and experience of various types of sports (many of which, they most likely would not have exposure to in an everyday setting), while the teacher is able to accurately compute and track their progress. Having access to this type of technology would have certainly been appreciated on rainy days when I was in elementary school. Rather than watching movies and having the important active portion of the day interrupted, the Wii would have provided the necessary equipment to turn a regular classroom into an interactive gymnasium.

Tech Tool Link: Web Resources for Accessing and Assessing Information

As an avid participant in acquiring information online, I have a deep appreciation for websites devoted to providing knowledge. The utilization of web resources is imperative in providing information to children who are growing up in an interactive world. For example, if I want to teach my class about the planet Saturn, it is not merely sufficient to show them a two-dimensional illustration in a text book. If I wanted to truly grasp their attention and help them comprehend the vastness and greatness that Saturn is composed of I could provide them with the following website link: Cassini Equinox Mission . By providing access to a more interactive tool, complete with video, audio, picture, 360 view, the students will be deeply engaged and learn more effectively.

Summary & Connection:

In Chapter 2 I learned that students benefit less from teacher-centered instruction than they do from a student-centered approach. This means to me that as a teacher I must engage my students with real-life situations that will promote critical thinking and active collaboration. Technology plays a great role in the student-centered approach to teaching. By incorporating the various types of technology into the classroom, students are provided with better knowledge, a more interactive classroom and they are given the tools to utilize these facilities outside the school setting. Technology provides education outlets for all types of students, it benefits all students no matter their learning style and preference.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2011). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN:10 0-13-159611-X, ISBN:13 978-0-13-159611-5

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Chapter 1- Becoming an e-Teacher

Focus Question: How do new technologies create new opportunities for teaching and learning?

Technology today is an ever advancing practice. The influence of the technological strides that we have made can seen in numerous aspects of our lives; especially in the advancement of medicine and medical procedures, communications, transportation and education. Classrooms are becoming more interactive due to these technological advancements, and thus new opportunities are being created to facilitate better teaching and learning. For example, a teacher is now able to utilize graphics and information via an iPad to teach their students various lessons. While experiencing another type of instruction (not just from the book), the students are also immersed, engaged and introduced to the type of technology that the world is becoming more centered around. There are many students who do not have the opportunities financially to afford this type of technology and by allowing them to utilize it in school they are not penalized for their lack of finances. Technology allows the teacher and student to have more access to information, which in turn can help create a more exciting learning environment that will promote a more hands on learning experience for students.

I personally can attest that by incorporating technology into education promotes a better learning environment. When I was in elementary and middle school there was very little if any influence of technology in my classrooms. By the time I reached high school many of my teachers incorporated power point presentations, class websites, discussion boards and other multimedia dimensions into the classroom. I truly enjoyed learning this way, I found myself learning better and retaining the information much more successfully.

Photo credit to The Barstow School on Flickr

Tech Tool link: Ultraportable Laptop Computers

Ultraportable laptops (cue the heavenly music); lugging around an eight pound laptop from class to class will truly make you appreciate these two to three pound lifesavers. Not only are these featherweight devices easily transported from various locations, they possess a pretty hefty battery life as well as enormous storage capacity. I will admit that while on a budget these can be a bit pricey and frivolous, but in my opinion an ultraportable laptop will be a necessity in my teaching career and worth the extra cost.

Summary & Connection:

The introduction to this class and what I will be learning is exciting. I am looking forward to mastering the various types of technology, and learning how I can incorporate them into my teaching style. I think because I personally enjoy learning in a more interactive environment, my teaching philosophy will follow along the principles of student-centered teaching.

I also learned that I very much agree with the ideologies of the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) which are:
At the core of the NETS is the view that technology makes possible new learning experiences that teach academic content, promote innovative and creative thinking, and prepare students for citizenship in a digital world- while also addressing the needs of all learners in equitable ways.
 I really believe that the technology that exists in our world presents the opportunity to better educate all students, and while the world of technology is never stagnant it provides an environment for constant learning.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2011). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN:10 0-13-159611-X, ISBN:13 978-0-13-159611-5